
hungaryWe visited Hungary in June of 2003 during our adventure motorcycle travels on our BMW motorcycles. We entered the country from Croatia on a quiet Sunday afternoon. The first thing that we discovered was that there was no way we were ever going to be able to understand the Hungarian language! It is not an Indo-European language and we have not found one thing that sounds like anything we understand in English, Spanish, French or German. We also discovered that there are not many people in the country who speak English - but there are some.

Hungary’s history is rife with invasions and occupations which started in the 3rd century BC. It wasn’t until 1991 when the last Soviet troops left that the country has been able to establish a government that the people selected. In 1999 Hungary became a full member of NATO and is currently looking forward to joining the European Union (EU). Hungary has suffered a painful economic restructuring and currently has a strong economy. Many European, North American and Asian have invested heavily in Hungary due to low wages and operational costs and a skilled and well educated work force.

Hungary covers 93,000 square kilometers (57,787 square miles), contains more than 1,000 lakes, and numerous rivers. The Danube River separates the Nagyalföld, or puszta (the Great Plain) in the east and Danántúl (Transdanubia) in the west. The highest peak is slightly more than 1,000 meters (3,280 feet) and located north east of Budapest.


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