Julian Alps

The Julian Alps are located in the northwest portion of the country and can also be found in Italy. The majority of the area is part of the Triglav National Park. Bled is a resort town set on a 2 kilometer long lake with a little island and church in the center and a castle looking over the Bled area and Bohinj Lake is 26 kilometers to the southwest located near Mt. Triglave, Slovenia’s highest peak at 2,865 meters (9,400 feet).

Bled Lake contains trout and fishing is practiced by many visitors. Bled Castle, on top of the hill overlooking the lake, is located 100 meters (328 feet) above the lake with several trails available for access.
church on island

Further south is Bohinjska Lake, below.

bled lake

There is a church with a beautiful interiorat the north end of the lake, pictured below.Many of the roads we traveled in the area are quite narrow and in many of the small villages several of the buildings that were built close to the road have had their roofs damaged from vehicles passing through.

bohinjska bistrica church

dirt road near radovna

Also, we discovered that it is not at all uncommon for the pavement to end and the road to become not much more than a dirt tack even though the map does not indicate this

vrsic pass
bohinj valley hay rack
We saw lots of hay and alphalpha drying racks as we rode through the countryside. Further southeast is Vsic Pass which has 24 switch backs on the northern side and 20 more on the southern side. The road going up to the pass from the northern side was interesting because on every one of the corners the blacktop pavement had been removed and cobble stones substituted in its place. And here’s Verna on a cable bridge that crossed the river that the road ran adjacent to as we descended on the south side of Visic Pass.
verna below vrsic pass


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