We visited Eger in June, 2003 on our way from Budapest to Romania. We only stopped for one night, but had the chance to walk around town a bit to see what it was about. We found it to be an interesting Baroque city that found its place in history by temporarily stopping the Turkish invasion in 1552. Of course, the Turks returned in the 1500s, but then were later thrown out by the Austrians in 1687. As you can see from the photo at left, the Baroque spires create an interesting skyline.The castle was erected in the 13th century after the Mongol invasion and provides an interesting viewpoint for the rest of the city, but is not all that interesting in itself, we found.
In town, the Minorite church takes center stage of the square just below the castle walls (above left). Built in 1773, it is considered to be one of the most beautiful Baroque buildings in Hungary today. The photo above right is the interior of the church.
The Eger Cathedral, up on a knoll, was obviously the place to be married as one wedding party was outside taking pictures while another was just entering the church (above left).Above right, the minaret is a reminder of the Turkish influence, although today it has a cross on top. It is 40 meters tall, but very narrow, so only non-claustrophobics dare climb the 100 steps to the top. And, as you can see, you need to be very friendly with anyone else on the viewing stand at the same time.
We camped just outside of town, near the valley of Szepasszony. This valley is famous for its wine cellars, which are earthen storerooms cut into the hillside. Over the years, the owners have dressed the places up so that now many have tables and benches for the visitors, while some have opened restaurants. It isnow quite a lively place and we counted about 30 different cellars in operation.
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