Wolfschanze  (8 Slides)     [Page 1 of 1]  
bormans bunker * The remains of Borman's bunker.  From this intact side you can see the relative size of these bunkers. * 324 x 432 * (73KB)
bunker remains * The remains of one of the bunkers after it was destroyed.  Fron these remains you can see just how thick the concrete was. * 324 x 432 * (67KB)
hitlers bunker * Hitler's Bunker, with people standing nearby to provide perspective.  You can walk into this one, but all you can see are the narrow corridors remaining. * 432 x 340 * (78KB)
inside bunker * Looking into the remains of a bunker.  All that is remaining is part of the walls and a bit of the ceiling that had fallen in. * 432 x 324 * (75KB)
  bormans bunker  
  bunker remains  
  hitlers bunker  
  inside bunker  
jim from inside bunker * Jim outside, with Verna inside the remains of one of the bunkers.  The photo shows the narrowness of the corriders. * 324 x 432 * (47KB)
rubble * A pile of concrete rubble, huge slabs that once formed interior walls. * 305 x 403 * (67KB)
tangle of rebar * A tangle of rebar which once strengthened the bunker structure. * 324 x 432 * (88KB)
typing pool and post office * This is one of the few buildings that still has a roof and standing walls.  This vast office space once housed the Post Office and Typing pool. * 432 x 324 * (66KB)
  jim from inside bunker  
  tangle of rebar  
  typing pool and post office  
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